Mercur Savunma ve Güvenlik Teknolojileri Logo

It can be located in areas such as crossing points, strategic points, security points. Deep learning algorithms running in the background with user and authority definition feature, accuracy of the system
ensures that its share is at the highest level. It is a completely contactless and hygienic transition system.

Temassız Biyometrik Geçiş Kontrol Çözümleri

Microuvc Virüs ve Bakteri  Sterilizatörü

It is a solution that offers the possibility of access control with temperature measurement. It is placed at the crossing points and turnstiles, and controls the entrances and exits. At the same time, the temperature is measured and people outside of certain values can be prevented from passing.

By determining whether a mask is worn or not, the passage of people without a mask can be prevented if desired. It can be used easily in Business Towers, Residences, Plazas, Offices, Industrial Facilities. It can be integrated with your existing access control and camera systems.

Sıcaklığa Duyarlı Geçiş Kontrol Çözümü

Social Distance Warning Solution is an effective warning system that prevents crowd formation in an area, can be used indoors and outdoors, and can be easily applied through smart camera sensors. The system generates a warning if people come closer together than the specified distance.

The solution that warns when the social distance is exceeded through the sensors creates an advantage with its ability to work both indoors and outdoors and with its fast installation feature.

Sosyal Mesafe Uyarı Çözümü

Thermal cameras are used for indoor heat detection and high temperature detection. It is positioned at strategic points at times when the risk of spread of infectious diseases is high, allowing people with body temperatures above normal values to be prevented before they enter the study area.

High resolution support, easy and practical installation, digital image quality, analysis support, flexible integration structure, security stand out as the most important points. Temperature measurement can be achieved without contact.

Ateş Ölçer Termal Kamera Çözümü

The Occupancy Rate Detection Solution is a smart camera solution that alerts when there are more entries than the number of people identified, as well as displaying the occupancy rate to visitors and officials live. Uses the person counting feature of video analysis software.

People are counted with the camera system. It warns when a certain number is reached in the store or shopping mall. Customers instantly receive the number of people on the visual information screen.

Yoğunluk Ölçüm Çözümü

According to the facility's parking lot, the system has a barrier that can be managed remotely. This barrier can also be controlled with a mobile application. Parking security of your facility is managed more effectively and a secure parking system is created for visitors.

It is also suitable for use in Shopping Centers, Business Towers, Residences, Hospitals, Stadiums. It can be integrated with Remote Monitoring Center with access control, Intelligent Alert, Control Support.

Park Yeri Yönetimi
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A. Ayrancı Mh. Tezel Sokak No.2/1 Çankaya Ankara T. +90 542 339 37 72 T. +90 312 468 84 15 E. [email protected] E. [email protected] W.
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